diumenge, 1 de març del 2015

The song- Something big

Something big is a song of Shawn Mendes.
The biography of the author
He is a canadian singer-songwriter. He is sixteen years old. He was born in Toronto, Canada and was raised in Pickering. He started posting covers in the Vine in 2013 and picked up millions of views in and followers in matter of months His first single is called "Life of the Party" in June 2014. He is the youngest artist to debut in the top 25. He realize a tour with other young artists: Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas and others. Shawn won the Teen Choice Awards in 2014 for Webstar in Music.
Woah, oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh 

Play the lotto you might win it.                                        (juga a la loteria, la guanyaràs)
Its like 25 for life so you nut out of prison                    
Somethings in the air, somethings in the air               (hi ha alguna cosa a l'aire)
It's like that feeling when you just about to kill it (és com la sensació de quan estàs a punt d'acabar amb tot)
Take your last shot you know you're gonna hit it        (té el teu últim tir, saps que encertaràs)
Somethings in the air, somethings in the air                  (hi ha alguna cosa a l'aire)
Woah oh oh oh oh

Something big I feel it happening                                        (alguna cosa gran està passant)
Out of my control                                                                        (fora del meu control)
Push and pull and then its grabbing me                            (empeny i estiro i m'agafa)
Feel it in my bones like                                                              (ho noto com als ossos)

Oh, woah, oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh
Something big I feel it happening

Oh, woah, oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh
Something big

It's like that feeling when you bout to win the medal  (és aquella sensació com quan estàs a punt de guanar)
And you worked so hard that you knew you wouldn't settle (vas treballar molt fort, i no sabies si ho aconseguiries)
Hands are in the air, hands are in the air                                  (mans a l'aire)
When they hear you when you thought they wouldn't listen(quan ells t'escoltaven tu pensaves que no et sentirien)
It's like an anthem that the whole worlds singing         ( és com un himne que tothom esta cantant)
Hands are in the air, hands are in the air
Woah oh oh oh oh

Something big I feel it happening
Out of my control
Push and pull and then its grabbing me
Feel it in my bones like 

Oh, woah, oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh
Something big I feel it happening

Oh, woah, oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh
Something big

Woah, yeah, yeah

If we stomp our feet,                                               (si trepitjem fort)

The ground will shake                                             (el terra es mourà)
If we clap pure hands,                                             (si aplaudim)
The walls will break                                                 (les parets es trencran)
Yell so loud we forget our names                       (si cridem fort, oblidarem els nostes noms)
Cause something big is happening                    (perquè alguna cosa gran està passant)

Take this rock and start a fire                              (agafa aquesta pedra i fés un incendi)
Raise this up were feeling high                            (aixeca això,així ens senim amunt)  
They can't tell us anything                                     (ells no poden dir-nos res)
Cause something big is happening                     (peruqè alguna cosa gran està passant)

Something big I feel it happening
Out of my control
Push and pull and then its grabbing me
Feel it in my bones like 

Oh, woah, oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh
Something big I feel it happening, woah

Oh, woah, oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh
Woah oh oh oh oh
Something big I feel it happening, oh

I like this song because it motivates me. When I'm sad I play this song and feel better. It haves rhythm and melody. The letter of the song explains a feeling about a person. This feeling is good, because everything goes well. This song is for all the times. I listened it for the first time while search information of th singer . And now I like so much the author and his music. One thing  I love about Shawn is that is a singer-songwriter. He has composed her own songs. But also I love a lot other songs like  : The Weight, Show you, Never be alone...
In the video we can see Shawn with other people.

Difficult words:
Singer-song writer: cantautor
Picked up: recollir
In matter of months: en cuestió de mesos
Grabb: agafar
Anthem: himne

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