divendres, 27 de març del 2015

A description of a place- LOS ANGELES

Los Angeles is in the state of California, near the Pacific ocean. Los Angeles has a lot of beaches, building, monuments and important places. The Downtown is a megaconstruction, it also has Chinatown in this place there are a lot of museums. The most beautiful place in Los Angeles are the beaches, on the coast, for example Santa Monica. Antoher interesting place to visit is the West Hollywood, located in the Westside in Beverly Hills.
These are some of the most famous places of Los Angeles. I recommend Los Angeles to people who like the beaches and the big cities with a lot of people and tourists. I like Los Anfgeles because I think that it's a beautiful city and has interesting places.
Resultat d'imatges de los angelesResultat d'imatges de los angeles

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