dimecres, 4 de març del 2015

Should the experiments of humans life have limits?

The experiments are an extense, a difficult part of life. Scientists and people who work on the experiments are the responsible to put the limits.
On the one hand, experiments can save lives od sicks or prevent health problems. What is more, the experiments can help tp advance society. For example the technology is very goog to comunication in general. Another reason why they are better for the  society, because that now can't live without these experiments.
On the other hand, the experiments always need limits, because with the same way the experiments can save a life also damage the health. For example, the microwave is a good invention but it emerges radiation it the society continues being dependent on these experiments and inventions. What will happpen with all when it finishes?
In conclusion their the experiments are good, but also bad if we know limits, we don't have problems.

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