dimecres, 4 de març del 2015

The differences of Frankenstein: the film and the book

The first difference I see is about Elizabeth, in the book she is blonde and in the film Elizabeth has brown hair. The second difference I can see is about the brother of Victor Frankenstein, in the book, he has two little brothers: William and Ernsest, and in the film only one: William. An other difference is about the friend of Victor, in the book is his friend from chilhood, ans in the film Henry Cleveral meets Victor at the University. The maid, Justine in the book isin't hanged and in the fil all the people of the country hanged Justine. In book Victor's father died of sadness ans in the film his gather dies because of a feight. In book Henry Cleveral is killed by the monster and in the film he isn't killed.
Finally the last difference is also about Elizabeth, in the book she is murdered and in the film she goes away with Henry.

Resultat d'imatges de frankenstein

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