dimarts, 3 de març del 2015

The most famous monuments of cities of the world

I like travel and now I do my top 10 places of the most famous monuments of cities, that I would to visit in Europe
First I start in my country. In Spain I would visit two important monuments, The Sagrada Família(1) in Catalonia and the Alhambra of Granada(2) in Granada. The next place I would to visit is in Portugal that is the Castillo of Guimaraes(3). Then I would like to visit is France, concretely the Torre Eiffel(4) in Paris and the beautiful church Notre Dame(5). After I would to visit the north of Europe in Germany: The wall of Berlin(6) and the door of Brandenburg(7). After that I would visit the north-west of Europe, the UK: the Big Ben(8) and the spectacular London eye(9). The last place I would to visit in Europe is Itàlia: Pisa(10) that's a beautiful place.
Resultat d'imatges de alhambra de granada1:Resultat d'imatges de sagrada familia                 2:
Resultat d'imatges de torre eiffel3:Resultat d'imatges de castillo de guimaraes          4: 
Resultat d'imatges de muro de berlin graffitis5:Resultat d'imatges de notre dame                     6:
7:Resultat d'imatges de porta de brandenburg      8:Resultat d'imatges de big ben
9:Resultat d'imatges de london eye10:Resultat d'imatges de pisa

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