dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2015

NEWS-Elephant meets tourists

Elephant meets tourists - level 3

In a National park in Thailand had an accident. An angry elephant destroyed a car, and it trt to sit on one of the cars. The couple who where inside the car, were unharmed. All the people that  stayed in the National park took precaution. Finally the Park officials imposed a drive restriction for the security of the people. Because the elephants are in mating season.
Difficult words:
Go on a rampage: to get angry or excited (enfadar-se)
Bumper: a part of the car in front and back that protacts the car(
Roaming: to walk/move ( passejar-se)
My opinion:
I think we should respect the elephants because it is a wild animal and is normal the behavior. But I think that the park officials have taken precautions before this accident. The security of the people are the priority and the comfort of the animals too.

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