dilluns, 2 de febrer del 2015

Description of a person

Her name is Júlia. She studies in Ins Castelloó d'Empúries. Now she is doing first ESO. She's a twelve-year-old girl. She loves playing vollwyball, and the scrab. She loves table games a lot: rumikub, domino... She us my younger sister. She lives in l'Armentera.
She is a normal person. Her hair is long, straight, and blonde. She is tanned. Her eyes are brown. She is beautiful. She usually wear confortable clothes for exemple: hodies, trainers... Sometimes she wear boots, and pullovers.
She is extroverted, funny, amusing, generous, plite, sincere, and very self-confident but she isin't tolerant. She is  narrow-minded. With her friends is a good person. She loves her family s lot. Her character is impacient.
I love her a lot. She is a very good sister. She has a positive personality because be myself-confident opens up lot of doors.

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