diumenge, 29 de març del 2015

PODCAST-Description of a place

divendres, 27 de març del 2015

A description of a place- LOS ANGELES

Los Angeles is in the state of California, near the Pacific ocean. Los Angeles has a lot of beaches, building, monuments and important places. The Downtown is a megaconstruction, it also has Chinatown in this place there are a lot of museums. The most beautiful place in Los Angeles are the beaches, on the coast, for example Santa Monica. Antoher interesting place to visit is the West Hollywood, located in the Westside in Beverly Hills.
These are some of the most famous places of Los Angeles. I recommend Los Angeles to people who like the beaches and the big cities with a lot of people and tourists. I like Los Anfgeles because I think that it's a beautiful city and has interesting places.
Resultat d'imatges de los angelesResultat d'imatges de los angeles

A formal letter

5, Marinada Street
L'Armentera, Girona Spain
18th March 2015
Customer Service Manager
Montserrat Supermarke
9 Carmançó Street

To whom it may concern
I would like to work in the supermarket. To earn some money si I can get my driving license.
I have worked two different supermarkets. I have a lot of experience in this job. I am kind, pacific and a good worker. I have a good relationship with the costumers. I live near the supermarket. I can get adapted very easily to the schedule. I speak English, Catalan, Spanish fluenthy and I speak a little bit of French.
I have my ESO degreee and the batxillerat too.

Looking forwar to yout prompt reply. Thank you for your attention

Yours faithfully

Joana Gan Pujol
Resultat d'imatges de firmA

dimecres, 4 de març del 2015

My self evaluation

In my oral presentation I use a power point with images and I put a video of a beautiful places of Hawaii. The preentation durates aproximatly nine minutes, I think that the time of the presentation was better of the last time.
I think that the audience are loking Andrea and me the most of time. I some occasiosn I read my paper because I was very nervous but only sometimes.
The structure of the power point is good, we follow an order to present.
All of information was good, but I think that Andrea and me could have focused more in the topic of the gap year
I think that in moment ht einformation it was bored. We was give examples with photos. The grammar was good but we did some mistakes of the tenses  or the prepositions but the next time this grammar are going to be better. I think that the big mistake is the pronunciation for the next time prepare better. The final mark is a 7.8 that is a good mark I'm so happy.

The last summer

Last summer I stayed in my village with my friends. One week I went to Barcelona to visit my family and friends. When I was return from Barcelona I went to the beach in bike, with my sister, I spent all the morning there. One adventure of my summer is when I went to the river to fishing with my friends and was very funny, but we didn't catch nothing. In August, all the mornings my sister and I went to the swimming pool of my friend. One day we did a camping with tents in my garden.
This summer was great I would repeat it. The summer is the best time of the year because I don’t have exams, homework and I don’t have preoccupations. The only important thing is put the sun cream.
Resultat d'imatges de summer tumblrResultat d'imatges de summer tumblr

Whats your animal personality type?

SUMMARY: ESFJ. My result is:
 ESFJs are genuine and authentic, and they care deeply about those around them. These are the kind of individuals who bring out the best in those around them, and they are serious about loyalty and responsibility to their families, friends, and co-workers. They are generous and they love to bring joy to others, but they are also sensitive and easily hurt. ESFJs are often blind to the flaws of those they love and they are incredibly trusting and full of love.
ESFJ: Elephant
I'm agree with this descripition. All of the thins describes me, specifically when say: they care deeply about those around them. I'm not agree when says that 'im trusting, I don't feel identified with this. I'm a person very suspicious and also insecure. But I think that my personality have a lot of advantatges, I'm allways very happy, and I take care for the people who around me. These initials E:extroverted, S:sensing, F:feeling and J:judging describes me perfectly.

The differences of Frankenstein: the film and the book

The first difference I see is about Elizabeth, in the book she is blonde and in the film Elizabeth has brown hair. The second difference I can see is about the brother of Victor Frankenstein, in the book, he has two little brothers: William and Ernsest, and in the film only one: William. An other difference is about the friend of Victor, in the book is his friend from chilhood, ans in the film Henry Cleveral meets Victor at the University. The maid, Justine in the book isin't hanged and in the fil all the people of the country hanged Justine. In book Victor's father died of sadness ans in the film his gather dies because of a feight. In book Henry Cleveral is killed by the monster and in the film he isn't killed.
Finally the last difference is also about Elizabeth, in the book she is murdered and in the film she goes away with Henry.

Resultat d'imatges de frankenstein

Should the experiments of humans life have limits?

The experiments are an extense, a difficult part of life. Scientists and people who work on the experiments are the responsible to put the limits.
On the one hand, experiments can save lives od sicks or prevent health problems. What is more, the experiments can help tp advance society. For example the technology is very goog to comunication in general. Another reason why they are better for the  society, because that now can't live without these experiments.
On the other hand, the experiments always need limits, because with the same way the experiments can save a life also damage the health. For example, the microwave is a good invention but it emerges radiation it the society continues being dependent on these experiments and inventions. What will happpen with all when it finishes?
In conclusion their the experiments are good, but also bad if we know limits, we don't have problems.

A summer to remember in the USA

He is a man, who in the summer did a Gap year. During his second yesr of University. He recomends some ideas, for example, working in summer toearn some money. He explains that it's a crazy idea, but it's very awsome.
He always goes to New York to work aat camp in the summer. The first time take a cousselos and lifeguard. He deicdes these weeks, he thinks that they are funny,amazing. He loves the activities and he meets a lot of people. He had an impression on his and always goes to New York at he camp.
He always loves to travel to the USA, the activities if you go to the USA, the experiences hace benefits.
He tries to persuade, that a GAP year is a good idea, for working, for meeting people, new activities and experience.

dimarts, 3 de març del 2015

My village

I live in a small village called l'Armentera. Is situated in l'Alt Empordà in the province of Girona, in Catalonia. L'Armentera have the river Fluvià and is situated near the beach of Sant Pere Pescador.L'Armentera have three village neighbours: Saldet, Viladamat, Sant Pere Pescador.
L'Armentera have 901 habitants. The winter festival of my town is on November, and the summer festival is in on July. In Winter this village is a ghost town, but in summer is filled with people from Barcelona or other cities.
In l’Armentera practiced boules and football. This village have a very beautiful library. Also have two urbanitzations. The most important in l’Armentera is the apple harvest.
I love live in this village because it’s a relax and beautiful town. I prefer live in a village that in a city

Resultat d'imatges de l'armentera

NEWS-Russian cat saves a baby

A cat in Russia saves the life of a baby. This baby was abandoned a halway of an apartament block. The baby was founded in the box of hte cat, where it always sleeps. When Nadasha went down for see what happenings, she found the baby crying in the box. The cat is a smart animal to save the baby. Now the cat has been praised. The authorities are trying to find the baby parents.
Difficult words:
-Stray cat: a cat which is not kept at home(gat de carrer)
-Praised: to express respect ("alabado")
-Rushed: to hurry (accelerat)
My opinion:
The parents of the baby are irresponsible.Because if you want a baby, you need to be sure to take care. If the cat never found the baby maybe the baby had died. Is a horror idea. Luckily the cats are smart. I think that the idea of praised the cat, is a good idea, because the cat has saved a life. Sometimes a small thing, can have a great result.
Russian cat saves a baby - level 3

Film reviewHunger games: Mockingjai

It's a science fiction film.The author is Suzanne Collins. The argue of the film explains a story about Katniss Everdeen, the character. After the hunger games Katniss is in the district 13th. The capitol extincion the district 12 and they live underground for a good protection. All the people are ready to fight against the capitol. They decide Katniss is the perfect person to fight and she is perfect to represents the symbol. But she put two conditions: save the people that are kidnapped for the capitol, included Peeta and other conditions. Finally they get save Peeta and the other people, but Peeta have made he be crazy and forced to kill Katniss.
I think that this film it's great. I love it. I really like the theme of science fiction. I like the main characters Katniss and Peeta too. This film is a mixture of love and war. The story of Katniss and Peeta is very beautiful. I like the idea about the symbol, because the mockingjay represents a lot of people reunited to fight against to the capitol.

The most famous monuments of cities of the world

I like travel and now I do my top 10 places of the most famous monuments of cities, that I would to visit in Europe
First I start in my country. In Spain I would visit two important monuments, The Sagrada Família(1) in Catalonia and the Alhambra of Granada(2) in Granada. The next place I would to visit is in Portugal that is the Castillo of Guimaraes(3). Then I would like to visit is France, concretely the Torre Eiffel(4) in Paris and the beautiful church Notre Dame(5). After I would to visit the north of Europe in Germany: The wall of Berlin(6) and the door of Brandenburg(7). After that I would visit the north-west of Europe, the UK: the Big Ben(8) and the spectacular London eye(9). The last place I would to visit in Europe is Itàlia: Pisa(10) that's a beautiful place.
Resultat d'imatges de alhambra de granada1:Resultat d'imatges de sagrada familia                 2:
Resultat d'imatges de torre eiffel3:Resultat d'imatges de castillo de guimaraes          4: 
Resultat d'imatges de muro de berlin graffitis5:Resultat d'imatges de notre dame                     6:
7:Resultat d'imatges de porta de brandenburg      8:Resultat d'imatges de big ben
9:Resultat d'imatges de london eye10:Resultat d'imatges de pisa