dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

Why this giant rat photo may not be quite what it seems

The photo of the big rat create polemic in the social media. Two men find a big rat in a park near a children's playground. The men think that upload the photo was a good idea because the people doesn't belive about it. The photo create polemic because a lot of people say that the photo isin't true, because is impossible that a man take 11 kg in one hand with a picker. Some experts said that this photo is taken by a forced perspective. The forced perspective is very common and cosnsist that the animal of the photo apear more big than it is.
My opinion
I agree with the experts because is imposible to take 11 kg in one hand and also is imposible that exists one rat of this dimensions. In my opinion this photo is taken by forced perspective and this is the reson of the rat appears in this dimensions in the photo. The men who find it do this hoaxes to draw attention
Difficult words:
-Picker: recolector
-Hoaxes: bromes
-Rodents: roedors
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/35788179/why-this-giant-rat-photo-may-not-be-quite-what-it-seems

Hackney rat

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