dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

The mass media

The mass media are present in the actual society. The day to day of a person is envolved of a lot of mass media, like the radio when you are go with the car, the newspaper, the magazines, Internet, the television and others. The people use diferent mass media depending on the person, the age, de knowledge and more factors that have influence.
The most of people have a radio, can be in the mobilephone, in the car..., or a television. The availability is very important. The radio and the television offers us the proof of the information and offers us in small time. Every day and it's possible two times in a day, we can see a TV News or an informative that give us all of things are happening in the world.
To sum up the best media are the televison and the radio because Internet, magazines and newspaper offer information but sometimes are not true, or in more long time.
Resultat d'imatges de mass media

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