dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

My London experience

The last  25 of February I went to London with the high school. We did the last high school trip. We stay at London four days. We visit a lot of things: museums, markets, streets, neightborhood and more others. This trip was amazing and very special.This was the second time that I do a trip, my first time was in fourth of ESO when I went to Berlin. We are located in the Safestay Holland Park, that is a hostel located in the middle of a dog's park. I think that in this trip I walked all of I don't walk in my life. I want to repeat it, I will come back. I love London and this trip because is the best form to imporve the realtionship with my clasmates. London is an amazing city that have a very diferent culture and diferent habits of the Spanish culture. I really enjoyed that and helps me to know diferent experiencese like go in a musical.

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