dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

Self evaluation

In this presentation I used the prezi to do more visual all the information and I put images that ilustrate better the information. I did it following the correct time nearly five minutes. But I think that I focused the topic, but I explained it in general and I don't put examples and I don't go in depth in the information.
I look the audience but occasionally I read my notes because I'm very nervous. But I think that I have to improve the body language and the eye contact to get the best mark of it.
My structure was good, I can organize my ideas clearly. One thing that can make a better presentation is use markers to do it better.
The content was good but in my opinion I can do it better because I explain my Research Paper in general and I don't give examples.
The language was good but I can improve it because I did mistakes that I can correct. This is because I'm very nervous and sometimes I forget what I have to explain. But I use some vocabulary that was good like highlighted and some specific vocabulary.
I have to improve a lot the pronunciation when I was present is difficult enunciate, but I can do better in the next presentation.
In conclusion I did a good oral presentation but I have to improve in some things that are the eye contact, the pronunciation and include more linking words. I have to try to don't be nervous and get a better mark
(The video doesn't work)

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