dijous, 10 de març del 2016

Can the Internet make the world a better place? Discuss

The use of Internet is increasing in the recent years. Nowadays Internet is very common and popular. Internet offers you a lot of things and a lot of people of different ages use it. This can have positive and negative things.

On the one hand, Internet can make the world a better place, because it gives you a lot of information, or lets you create webs, blogs or similar things to raise money, or to inform and also a lot of diaries are digital and it offers you free news. Another example is the feet that a lot of companies have web pages and sell you their products online.

On the other hand, Internet can't make the world better place because some people don't do a good use of it. One example of that is the social networks like facebook, twiter and others, or all the advertising. When the people share their photos don't know that these will be forever on the Internnet is public and you don't have privacity when you use it.

In conclusion, if you do a good use of it can make the world a better place, but if tje people don't do a good use of Internet, the society might go backwards.

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