divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015

Police in Sydney called after man cashing a spider mistaken for domestic violence

This piece of news explains a curiosity.
One day the police received a call. The people who called explained that they listen  a woman scream and a man saying: I'm going to kill you.
The police went to find out what was happen. All was a mistake, the neighbors thought that the man wanted to kill his woman but this isn't true. The objective of the man was kill a big spider, it was inside the house and the woman is afraid of spiders.
My opinion:
I think that is a confusion of a worry neighbours. When I read the piece of news I laughed because it seems done on purpose. I'm happy that is only a mistake because abuse a woman is very serious and grave. I don't like the spiders and I understand the reaction of the woman.
Difficult words:
-Yelling: cridant
-Tossed: llançar
-Flushed: "sonrojado"
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/34931977/police-in-sydney-called-after-man-chasing-spider-mistaken-for-domestic-violence

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