dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015

My research paper

This term I have doing the Research Paper. When I had to decide the topic I was very confused. I had a lot of topics and I didn't know what was my favourite. At first I wanted propose a topic, but I saw that is more difficult and finally I decided to do a proposed topic and I choosed do it about the catalan language.
I divide the Research Paper in two parts, the two parts what have a language: The linguistic part and the sociolinguistic part. The first part I explain the characteristics of the catalan, that include the grammar. The second part I explain the use of the catalan by the society.
My favourite part is the sociolinguistic because when I did it I find out curiosities.
Also I do a surveys to my practical part, and I survey a lot of people who talk foreign languages.
At the 21 of December I will present it, now I'm finishing it.

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