divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015


Beauty is only a external thing a complement of a person. When you meet a person, the first rhing you see is the phsysical, but after the thing of you appreciate of this person, is the behavior, the inside. The beauty isn't important, being beautiful don't solve the big problems of the life. In my opinion is ore important have friend who love you, that being beauty and stay alone.
I desafree with this quote that Basil says to Dorian: "But beauty won't last forever. When your youth goes, your beauty will go with it. There is absolutely nothing in the world but youth" beause when people grow up they can being beauty. Being younger isn't equivalent to being beautiful. My opinion reflect that beauty doesn't need to be fashionable, it's true that is a permanent subject in actual society but we must learn how to live with it without obsessing on having a perfect image
Resultat d'imatges de beauty

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