dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015

My self evaluation

In the presentation we use a powerpoint to do more visual the presentation. We saw a video about beauty, this video was related with the topic of the presentation: plastic surgrey. We respect the time and I think that was a dinamic presentation.
I think that I sew the most of time at the audience, but sometimes I only saw the power because I was really nervous and sometimes I read my notes.
We organize the topic with a good structure, the introduction, the history, types of surgery, curiosities, conclusion, etc. The content of the presentation was good, in my opinion we are very clear with the topic.
We use specific language but I have to improve with the superlatives and superlatives (younger, most...). We didn't use linkers and we put examples of what we explain. I have difficultilies in the pronunciation because I was nervous and some words are difficult.
I think that we made a good presentation with some mistakes, we have to improve in pronunciation to get a best mark.

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