diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Is crossing your legs bad for you?

When the people sit in the chairs or in the transport, normally cross their legs. They think that is bad for our health because produces that raised blood pressure, varicose veins and nerve damage. But after more studies and exams about cross the legs has seen that not procudes blood pressure, if you don't stay a lot of time with the cross legs. Depending of the people and their work have more possibilities to have healthy problems for example bad position of the back, because not everyone have the same work. Working in a office that you have to stay a lot of hours sit in a chair than work in a shop, etc. It depends of the person.
My opinion:
In my case I always cross legs. But I don't cross it for a lot of time, only when I'm in class or when I'm studying at home. After reading this piece of news I'll watch my posture when I'm sitting to prevent the consequences.
Difficult words:
-Relied: dependre
-Slouching: encorbar-se
-Elongation: estiraar-se
Link: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20151013-is-crossing-your-legs-bad-for-you
Crossed legs might bring some benefits, building certain muscles (Credit: iStock)

Never have the embarassement of forgeting a name again

This piece of news is the answer to a reader. The reader is Dan, and he ask: "Why do we forget people's names when we first meet them?".
The reason of that is because our minds are associative. Our minds are built out of patterns of interconnected information. Normally we use simple things to remember the name of the person, and they give an example: you remember the name of your cousin Mary because you read  book printed in Paris and in Paris have the Torre Eiffel and  your cousin Mary was in Paris and Mary likes pistachio ice cream. All of these things are for coincidence of time, place, the meaning etc. This simple thing also can help us to remember that Torre Eiffel is the most famous monument in Paris.
These are easy things that can help the people a lot.
My opinion:
I never thought that related nonsense things with my thoughts can help me to remember the names and other things. I think that is a good way can help me a lot with my exams and homework. From now I will use this trick. In my opinion, exercise the brain is very useful to have a good memory.
Difficult words:
-Lengthy: llarg
-Built out of: construït
Link: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20151113-how-to-never-forget-a-name-again

(Credit: Getty Images)

divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015

Police in Sydney called after man cashing a spider mistaken for domestic violence

This piece of news explains a curiosity.
One day the police received a call. The people who called explained that they listen  a woman scream and a man saying: I'm going to kill you.
The police went to find out what was happen. All was a mistake, the neighbors thought that the man wanted to kill his woman but this isn't true. The objective of the man was kill a big spider, it was inside the house and the woman is afraid of spiders.
My opinion:
I think that is a confusion of a worry neighbours. When I read the piece of news I laughed because it seems done on purpose. I'm happy that is only a mistake because abuse a woman is very serious and grave. I don't like the spiders and I understand the reaction of the woman.
Difficult words:
-Yelling: cridant
-Tossed: llançar
-Flushed: "sonrojado"
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/34931977/police-in-sydney-called-after-man-chasing-spider-mistaken-for-domestic-violence


Beauty is only a external thing a complement of a person. When you meet a person, the first rhing you see is the phsysical, but after the thing of you appreciate of this person, is the behavior, the inside. The beauty isn't important, being beautiful don't solve the big problems of the life. In my opinion is ore important have friend who love you, that being beauty and stay alone.
I desafree with this quote that Basil says to Dorian: "But beauty won't last forever. When your youth goes, your beauty will go with it. There is absolutely nothing in the world but youth" beause when people grow up they can being beauty. Being younger isn't equivalent to being beautiful. My opinion reflect that beauty doesn't need to be fashionable, it's true that is a permanent subject in actual society but we must learn how to live with it without obsessing on having a perfect image
Resultat d'imatges de beauty

dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015

My research paper

This term I have doing the Research Paper. When I had to decide the topic I was very confused. I had a lot of topics and I didn't know what was my favourite. At first I wanted propose a topic, but I saw that is more difficult and finally I decided to do a proposed topic and I choosed do it about the catalan language.
I divide the Research Paper in two parts, the two parts what have a language: The linguistic part and the sociolinguistic part. The first part I explain the characteristics of the catalan, that include the grammar. The second part I explain the use of the catalan by the society.
My favourite part is the sociolinguistic because when I did it I find out curiosities.
Also I do a surveys to my practical part, and I survey a lot of people who talk foreign languages.
At the 21 of December I will present it, now I'm finishing it.

Film review-Pitch Perfect 2

Pitch Perfect is a music comedy film directed by Elizabeth Banks and written by Kay Cannon. This is the second film of Pitch Perfect.
Bella's are back, after being humliated in front of the President of the United States. Bella's to clean their name and get back their status, she have a difficult task: win a International competition. No American team have ever win this competition. They have to put their best effort to face the challenges. Finally the Bella's fulfil their dream and she won the International competition.
My opinion:
When I decided to saw the film I thought that was bored film, but after I had seen it I change my opinion. I really like this film because it mix humor, comedy and serious things. I like the behavior of the characters are very different and the opinions of the characters too. I don't have favourite character but I like the behavior of Fat Amy's, who doesn't have problems with her self-esteem. I recomend this film to people who have sense of humor.

My self evaluation

In the presentation we use a powerpoint to do more visual the presentation. We saw a video about beauty, this video was related with the topic of the presentation: plastic surgrey. We respect the time and I think that was a dinamic presentation.
I think that I sew the most of time at the audience, but sometimes I only saw the power because I was really nervous and sometimes I read my notes.
We organize the topic with a good structure, the introduction, the history, types of surgery, curiosities, conclusion, etc. The content of the presentation was good, in my opinion we are very clear with the topic.
We use specific language but I have to improve with the superlatives and superlatives (younger, most...). We didn't use linkers and we put examples of what we explain. I have difficultilies in the pronunciation because I was nervous and some words are difficult.
I think that we made a good presentation with some mistakes, we have to improve in pronunciation to get a best mark.

diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2015

Snapchat launches #BeStrong filter to help stop cyberbullying

Snapchat has partnered with vodafone to create a campaign called #BeStrong. The Social Media Company and the mobile-phone company want to make more support to people who are suffering or has suffered cyber bulling.
The campaign consists in people can using filters and emojis to promote it around the social medias. The object of this campaign is stop cyberbullying or reduce it. After doing a survey of 5.000 teenagers in Europe we can see that one out of five of has recieved harassment.
My opinon:
I think that doing a campaign against cyberbullying is very positive. Snapchat is a social network which is very popular and with this campaign a lot of people realize that it is an important topic that affects the actually society. The cyberbullying and the bullying is a negative thing and  with the help of campaigns like these we will be able to stop it or reduce it.
Difficult words:
-Nasty: repugnant
-Awareness: conciencia
-Survey: enquesta
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/34853591/snapchat-launches-bestrong-filter-to-help-stop-cyberbullying
The top of the new Snapchat filter

News: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter

Mark Bezos is a firefighter volunteer. He explains one of his experiences with his work. One day a house was burning and he assisted to help, five seconds before he arrived another volunteer was there. The first volunteer had to save the dog, and Bezos had to enter on the house and catch a pair of shoes for the owner. He saw that the work of his mate was more valued for the woman in this moment. But after some days, Robin Hood received a letter of the owner of the house. The owner of the house was very thankful to the man who brought the pair of shoes.
My opinion:
Mark is a great person with a big heart. Being a firefighter volunteer is difficult work and he made a lot of effort with his work. In my opinion he is a hero. We have be thankful to people like him, because he helps a lot of people everyday, it's possible that are simple things but are imprescindibles. We need more people like him in the world. I really liked what he said:
Don't wait until you make your first million to make a difference in somebody's life. If you have something to give, give it now.
I share his opinion.
Difficult words:
Barefoot: descalç
Payload: carga
Nemesis enemig
Link: http://www.ted.com/playlists/158/graduation_now_what

The strange rise of the 'hoverboard' and why you shouldn't ride them through traffic

This piece of news explains the new style about riding a hoverboard. A lot of people have a hoverboard and use it on parks, on the streets or public places of the city. But now the people can't drive it because it is illegal and if you do it, you will have problems.The hoverboards are considered illegal because these type of hoverboard doesn't have legal requirement.
Actually the people who have it one, they have to drive it in their garden or a private place.
The celebrities also have joined in this style. For example Brooklyn Beckham, Chirs Brown, Justin Bieber and others have published videos and fotos dirving a hoverboard.
My opinion:
I don't agree with that, I think that the hoverboard is like a bicycle or scooter. I don't consider a good solution ban drive a hoverboard. A good solution is doing special lanes to people who have it one of this. I didn't driven anyone at the moment but I think that people can use it correctly and they respect the city's rules.
Difficult words:
-Sales rocketing: vendes com cohets.
-Bulkier: voluminós
-Swiftly: rápidament
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/34504799/the-strange-rise-of-the-hoverboard-and-why-you-shouldnt-ride-them-through-traffic
