dimecres, 10 de juny del 2015

Final reflection 1BAT

I see an improvement on my level of english. The best activity that makes me see an improvement is the part of speaking: the oral test of the third term aboout the book The Queen of Africa, because is the best form to learn the english, and the orals presentation because always we do writings. The activity I think that doesn't have result is the composition writing in class. I like the yoursays when I can choose the topic, because when the teachers give me the topic is harder without dictionary.
When I compare my level of 4th of ESO with the first of batxillerat I can see a improvement. Last year when I must to do essays  I remember that I have more difficults. Last year I didn't do speaking and a little bit listening and a lot of writing. Finally, I think that ten essays is to much.

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