diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015

NEWS-John Lennon guitar expected to fetch $800.000

John Lennon guitar expected to fetch $800.000. This guitar was of John Lennon and He played it with this guitar some songs of The Beatles: I Want to Hold your hand, P.S. I Love You, Love Me Do and other songs. The guitar is a Gibson J-160E, was bought it in 1962 for $161 in a shop of Liverpool. The Gibson was considered lost for 50 years but John McCaw an amateur guitarist who live in in San Diego(California)  bought it second hand in 1970s. Now the Gibson will be auctioned and it expected to win $800.000.
My opinion:
This news is amazing because the Gibson is a treasure. I think that $800.000 is very expensive, If I keep this guitar, I would put it in a museum or an important place, but never auction it
Difficult words:
-Auction: subhastada
-Memorabilia: conjunt de records
-Receipt: factura
Link: http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/05/news/beatles-lennon-guitar-auction/index.html

lennon guitar auction

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