diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015


Barça are triple champion. Yesterday Barça played the last match of this season. This match was the final of the Champions League. They played against Juventus an Italian team, and Barça won the match for 1-3. This match was celebrated in Berlin, Germany. Now is triple champion because they  won the "Copa del Rey" the League and the Champions League Final cup.
I'm very happy because my favorite football team is Futbol Club Barcelona. I'm fan of this team since I was little, now is the second time that Barça win the triple. My favorite player is Messi because He's the best football player of the world . Yesterday Was the last match of Xavi football player  of FC Barcelona , he's a legend and will always remembered for all the people.
I  not consider a person who likes the football and the competitive sports but yesterday the match was international, all the people of around the world saw it
Resultat d'imatges de fcbResultat d'imatges de messi fcb 2015

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