dissabte, 26 de setembre del 2015

The email

Dear teacher,
My name is Joana. I'm 16 years old. Now I'm doing second batxillerat so I will go to university. Second batxillerat is very difficult. This year I will have to work very hard to pass it. In summer I was very scared because I began the Research paper and I have a lot of work but my parents and my friends helped me and supported me to face challenges and never give up and keep going this course.

My short term goal is to pass alll the subjects and get good grades and do a good Research Pper. My long term goal depends on passing batxillerat, because I wil study a degree and will have a good work. To get it I have to put my best effort and I have to meet challenges in the future. Another long term goal is to do a travel around the world and visit a lot of places, but If I want it I have to study a lot to pay all the travels that will do.

Finally, when Obama says: "Every single one of you has something that you're good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourseld to discover what it is. That's the opportunity education can provide". I think that it's true and this is a really good way to understand how important  education is for all of our lives. When I began school always thought that education is useless but now I don't have this thought, the education is the future of every single on of us.
Best regards

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