dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015

Is humor necessary?

Humor is the best antidiote to stay emotionally healthy. When you feel sad or a little depend, humor helps to be more positive. People laugh when they feel good. Laughter is always positive. All the things related to laughter are good for your health.
In all the ages of their life the people laughs. When you are a baby he or she only laughs or cries. When you are a teenager you laughs. When you are an adult you also laughs and finally when you are an old person you laughs too. Laughter lives among us. This means that humor is very important. Laughter is necessary for our lives because it helps us to bo more relaxed, to protect our health, to lighten our burdens , to stay better with the friends and family.
In addition, if we lived in a society that never laughted, that would be very boring, seriously and depressing. We eill be stressed people without humor.
In conclusion, humor and laughter are essential in our lives. I think that it's the best solution to solve all the problems we have because uf we put good mood to all the things we do, we will live better.

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