diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

My self evaluation

The power point, the images and the video it's good.
I think that we are too fast in the oral presentation because durate six or seven minutes.
The most of the time I saw the audience but some moments I read the notes because I was very nervous. The only movement I did it's when I show a images and the video, the rest of the time I was stood normaly.
The ideas are in order for the importance that have. I didn't use markets in the presentation.
The information that I explains are new for the audience but the theme no. The inforation was clear, and I show examples in the photos. The grammar is good, but I did some mistakes. The voacbulary that I use is normal vocabulary isn't varied, and I failed in a word: the correct(parents) and the mistake (fathers).I failed in some words in the pronunciation for example: agricultural, equipment, hero.
Finally I think that, to be the first presentation, the mark is good. For the next presentation I will try don't be nervous and explains more slowly the information.

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