diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2014

NEWS: White tiger kills a man

Maqsood was killed by a white tiger at New Delhi zoo because he jumping into the enclosure. He was 19 or 20 years old. The white tiger grabbed Maqsood by the neck. The other people shouted at the animal to tray to distract the animal, but wasn't enought.
The father of Maqsood blamed the zoo and the officials of the zoo said they had been waring her soon.
Difficult words:
Enclosure: closed area for the animal (gàbia, tancat)
Grabbed: to arrest; catch (agafar)
Neck: the part of the body that connects the head and the trunk (coll)
My opinion:
This accident is serious for the responsables of the zoo, but if the officials of the zoo has been warned it. This is problem of Maqsood. A young adult is enough mature that what are he doing is very dangerous

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