dimecres, 10 de juny del 2015

Final reflection 1BAT

I see an improvement on my level of english. The best activity that makes me see an improvement is the part of speaking: the oral test of the third term aboout the book The Queen of Africa, because is the best form to learn the english, and the orals presentation because always we do writings. The activity I think that doesn't have result is the composition writing in class. I like the yoursays when I can choose the topic, because when the teachers give me the topic is harder without dictionary.
When I compare my level of 4th of ESO with the first of batxillerat I can see a improvement. Last year when I must to do essays  I remember that I have more difficults. Last year I didn't do speaking and a little bit listening and a lot of writing. Finally, I think that ten essays is to much.

diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015

Self evaluation

The presentation was good and we respected the time. The topic was difficult because it have specific words. The body language and the eye contact with the aducience was good, sometimes I saw my notes. I think that the structure could be better. We gave examples and we used photos to help the audience to understand it. I think that we use a good vocabulary The problem is on the pronunciation and the speaking, I spoke so fast because I was nervous. This is my mistake that I can to be better the next presentation. Finally we saw a trailer of a case of a person who have a disability
I'm very happy with my mark, we pass with and 8'5, that's great

Five facts about story of stuff

The five important things about stuff: extraction, production, distribution, consumption, disposition.That things are a linear system and the good system is the circular system. All of these things are exploited the natural resources of the planet. The production of stuff produces toxics it accumulate in the food chain to humans. We produce 2 million kg of toxics at one year. With the air currents these toxics make pollution, alot of food that humans eat is polluted for toxics

The 90% of all that we consum in six months it becomes to waste. I agree with Annie we have a lot of problems and if we doesn’t do anything we will have healthy problems

The story of solutions

In the video of Annie Leonard about staf, explains solutions that can we do to live in a better planet. We have to change the goal of the entire economy. To get it  she suggests some things to do an these things are: have a better education, better staf, a better chance to survive in this planet, better health, better renewable energy. If we do all this thing maybe the planet can be recovered. All of these things is the minimum that we could do because we are exhausting the natural resources. We treat the planet  as if it be a game economy and that's the worst thing for the planet


It is the second time that a dog remains in first position. The trainer Jules O'Dyer and his dog Matisse have won the Britain's Talent 2015. The first time that a dog remains in the first position was in 2012. Jules said that he can't belive it. The final drew 13,4 viewers on Sunday night. The TV  hosts Ant and Dec said that the show had recieved a four and half milion votes.
My opinion:
It's incredible that one show drew four and half milion votes. A lot of people saw the program. It is curious that  dog remains in first position in a Britain Talent when a lot of people also went to the program to win it
Difficult words:
-Rating: classificació
-Treats: tractar a
-Drew: atreu-re

Matisse the dog is the winner of Britain's Got Talent


Caitlyn has had to hace surgery because William Leonard put a tape in the snout.The last Wednseday Caitlyn went to a rescue home in Charleston. The torturer now is in Charleston County Jail (the prision) on $50000 bail. If he found guilty, the maximum penality is five years in prison and a report of $5000. The surgery was good but the tongue of Caitlyn is damaged, will be in recovery for about a week and after that Caitlyn will go to a foster home
My opinion
I think that William Leonard don't have feelings because torture a animal is the worst thing that could do. A dog is the best friend of the human and only want company and attention. I'm against of the torture of the animals.
Difficult words:
-Surgery: cirugia
-Tightly bound: lligat fortament
-Foster home: casa d'acollida

Research project

The first of batxillerat it's ends and this third term I had to choose the topic to my research project. When I had to choose the topic I was very concerned because I didn't know what could choose, I had a lot of topics and I didn't like anything. Finally when the day arrived I chose a topic about the languages in the high school. The next week I will do the surveys to the students of ESO and after do this I will began with the research part. I hope do a good research and get a good mark. In next summer I will have to work hard
Resultat d'imatges de treball de recerca


Last term I wrote a text explaining that maybe my team of volleyball go up to the second division. Now I'm writing this writing because it's official, the "cadets i juvenils" of Cv Sant Pere Pescador the next season will be at the second division. We will play against teams around Catalonia. I can say that I  have fulfilled my dream. I thought that is impossible but nothing is impossible. My team and I have worked hard to achieve it. The last week we celebrate it with a big dinner with all the volleyball teams. The trainer did a short video composed with photos and videos about all the players of the team. The next year we will play in a league more difficult and we will have to work hard to get good results, I'm waiting it gets


Barça are triple champion. Yesterday Barça played the last match of this season. This match was the final of the Champions League. They played against Juventus an Italian team, and Barça won the match for 1-3. This match was celebrated in Berlin, Germany. Now is triple champion because they  won the "Copa del Rey" the League and the Champions League Final cup.
I'm very happy because my favorite football team is Futbol Club Barcelona. I'm fan of this team since I was little, now is the second time that Barça win the triple. My favorite player is Messi because He's the best football player of the world . Yesterday Was the last match of Xavi football player  of FC Barcelona , he's a legend and will always remembered for all the people.
I  not consider a person who likes the football and the competitive sports but yesterday the match was international, all the people of around the world saw it
Resultat d'imatges de fcbResultat d'imatges de messi fcb 2015

NEWS-John Lennon guitar expected to fetch $800.000

John Lennon guitar expected to fetch $800.000. This guitar was of John Lennon and He played it with this guitar some songs of The Beatles: I Want to Hold your hand, P.S. I Love You, Love Me Do and other songs. The guitar is a Gibson J-160E, was bought it in 1962 for $161 in a shop of Liverpool. The Gibson was considered lost for 50 years but John McCaw an amateur guitarist who live in in San Diego(California)  bought it second hand in 1970s. Now the Gibson will be auctioned and it expected to win $800.000.
My opinion:
This news is amazing because the Gibson is a treasure. I think that $800.000 is very expensive, If I keep this guitar, I would put it in a museum or an important place, but never auction it
Difficult words:
-Auction: subhastada
-Memorabilia: conjunt de records
-Receipt: factura
Link: http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/05/news/beatles-lennon-guitar-auction/index.html

lennon guitar auction

dissabte, 6 de juny del 2015

Advantages and disadvantages of ive in the country

What is better to live, is the country or in the city? Life in the country is better because is healthier in the city. I think that life in the country has more advantages that live in the city.
First I begin to explain the advantges of live in the country. If you live in a counry in a farm, or ina small villaage you will meet a lot of people and you have our friends and family near you. In a contry you can go to sleep the important thing with a bike or walking, this is very healthy, You have natural products or handmade products. In a farm tou can have your own vegetable patch. These are good advantages to live in a country.
The disadvantages, if you have to buy more specific products, for example trousers os shoes the most of time you will go to a near city to buy it. Another disadvantage is if you have to go to work you will need a car to move because the work isn't near to your home. The winter in a country is colder tan in a city.
Finally my conclusion, I prefer to live in a country because is very confortable to me. I can go with my friends to the river with the bike in summer. I thinnk that I can't live in a city because I don't like the environment

NEWS-French Spider Man climbs a tall building

This article is about a French man climbs a skyscraper. He climbed a tall building of Dubai. He is fifty-two-years-old and was climbed 307-metre-high in 70 minutes. He hadn't harness. He is known as the French spiderman. Alain Robert are very persudae that He could do it, and he had reason because he was fighting to do it. The building that he had climbed is Cayan Tower, it have 75-storey.high.
Difficult words
-Harness: a rope to hold you up soyou cannot fail(arnest)
-Ascent: when you climb up something(ascendir)
-Ledge: thin piece of concrete on a wall (repisa)
My opinion
Alain Robert is very brave, because climb the Cayan Tower is very dangerous and he had climbed it without harness. He isn't a young man and he has a good shape.
French Spider Man climbs a tall building - level 3

Book rewiew-The African Queen

The book explain the adventures of two missionaries in Africa. The missionaries travel with a steamboat called the Queen Africa. They lived a lot of adventures with the steamboat. They was attacked for the Germans because in the time that the story occurs was in the second world war. During story they have many problems because The Queen Africa isn't adapted for this place. Finally the story finished when the Germans capture the missionaries.
 My opinion:
I don't like this book, because it have a specific language that I don't understand. I recommend it to people who likes this kind of books of adventures and similar. The book is very entertained because in little time hapen a lot of things.

Resultat d'imatges de the african queen the book

The Vamps

Last 15th of May I went to Barcelona to see the Vamps. They were on a tour to Europe and they visited Barcelona to do a concert. This day there was amazing because I love this band. I went to the concert with my cousin and a friend of the high school. The concert starts at half past nine and ends two hours later. This was my first concert and the next year I will repeat this experience.
The band is composed to: Brandley Simpson the singer, Connor Ball the bass guitar, Tristan Evans the drummer and James McVey the guitar. This band was created in the United Kingdom. My favourite song is Girls on TV and Cecilia (breaking my heart). On the 16th of May they travelled to Madrid to continue the tour. I'm waiting for the next year when they will come in Barcelona

Resultat d'imatges de the vampsResultat d'imatges de the vamps