diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

My self evaluation

The power point, the images and the video it's good.
I think that we are too fast in the oral presentation because durate six or seven minutes.
The most of the time I saw the audience but some moments I read the notes because I was very nervous. The only movement I did it's when I show a images and the video, the rest of the time I was stood normaly.
The ideas are in order for the importance that have. I didn't use markets in the presentation.
The information that I explains are new for the audience but the theme no. The inforation was clear, and I show examples in the photos. The grammar is good, but I did some mistakes. The voacbulary that I use is normal vocabulary isn't varied, and I failed in a word: the correct(parents) and the mistake (fathers).I failed in some words in the pronunciation for example: agricultural, equipment, hero.
Finally I think that, to be the first presentation, the mark is good. For the next presentation I will try don't be nervous and explains more slowly the information.

dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

The mobile generation

This year I have noticied that my generation only love for the mobile. All of they have dependence to the mobile. I haven’t meet anybody who doesn’t have telephone. All the people always have whatsapp, telegram, and others. This isn’t good for the health, because the mobile does radiation emissions and other harmful problems.
The style

The style of everyday have an iphone (4-4S-5-5S-5C). The iphone is the mobile that produce apple the brand recognized worldwide.  Apple manufacture the iphone: 4, 4S etc and finally around one month ago the mobile company has released a new pattern: the iphone 6 and 6 plus. The iphone 6 it’s very expensive. I hope this style for the iphones ends fast. If it doesn’t finish the society will be ruined and the other mobile company too. The mobile generation is a thing that have globally affect. That not be good for the future.

The batxillerat

This year I started first of batxillerat in Ins Castelló d’Empúries. Batxillerat are the most difficult studies before the university. This studies durate two years long, the first and the second of batxillerat. The first year is very difficult because I have just finished the secondary studies and are very different. When you are adapted to Batxillerat it’s less difficult, the first term it’s the most complicated to adapt. After the first course the students will do the second. The most difficult course of all because when the second is finished, the students do the selectivitat (he exam for enter to the university). During the batxillerat the students  do the the research work, the most important project in this studying stage.

I think that the batxillerat is very difficult compared to the secondary because the level is very different. I hope to improve my marks in the second term  because by the moment I have been pass the exams with 5 or 6. Although it is difficult it is very important for my future if I will have work, I have done this studies.

My perfect holydays

My dream is to have a perfect holyday. Those consist in travelling around the world.
There is another way for me to have a perfect holiday which would consist in travelling with my friends to the United States (California, L.A., and Miami), and meet the famous actors and actress.
The other travel would be going with my parents and my sister around the world visiting continents.
Firstly, visit Europe concretely London, Helsinki, Denmark, Holland, Italy and Berlin. After Europe I would visit Africa especially to Madagascar, and then I would visit Australia, the land of kangaroos.
The next to last continent that I would tour is Asia, I would like to climb the Himalaya and visit Thailand, the Philippines, the Nepal and India.
Finally, the last continent I would to visit is America, firstly the North America: Texas, Chicago... and then the South America and visit Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Colombia.
The last holydays I want to do in the future is go to Mallorca, Menorca and Formentera with my sister.
That are the three perfect holydays that I want to do in the future.

The V for the independence

This year the "Assamblea Nacional Catalana" organized a pacific protest to request the independence of Catalonia. The protest consisted in doing a very big “V” of people in Barcelona. That people wore up yellow and red t-shirts. The people participated in this protest. Now Catalonia did a record. One million people (1800000). The big “V”, was celebrate on 11 of September in Barcelona, Catalonia’s National day.

It was a good experience. The celebration was a success. Now I can say that the Catalans have made history. We have fought for our country and we can be very proud. I have a dream, that is to have de independence of Catalonia. A dream that I will fulfil.

dimecres, 26 de novembre del 2014

Thirteen and the Best of times

The similarities:
-The main characters are teenagers.
-They have friends
-They take drugs and alcohol
-They go to parties
-Have sex
-The two teenagers have bad influences
-They parents are separated
The differences:
-The end of the best of times is good and the end of thirteen isin't good.
-The protagonist of thireen is a gril, Tracy and the portagonist of the best of times is a boy, Chee Seng
-The plot of stroy is different.
The main characters are teenagers and they have closest friends. But the two teenagers have bad influences. This do that they go to a big parties and take drugs and alcohol and have sex. The main characters have their parents separated. These things provoke a difficult situation for them. The difficult  situation incite them at have a bad behaviour.The most important similarity it's that the main characters have a similray situation but the most important diference it's that the context and the plot isn't the same.

diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2014

NEWS: New record in bungee jumping

The Australian Beau Retalick has set a new world record of bungee jumping. Beau Retalick actually jumped 178 times . The course of 19 hours of jumping, earning him the world record. It was very difficult win the record.
Now Beau is very ealted after that he established the new world record. He broke the previous record of 151 jumps set in March 2014.
Difficult words:
Earning: to acquire, merit or dereve through behaviour or action (guanyar)
Established: to correct or free from doubt; validate (establir)
Elated: be extremly happy (eufòric)
My opinion:
It's good for the world that all of we establish records. Beau Retalick is a very brave man. Personally would be able to do it. I hope keep this record.
Link: http://www.newsinlevels.com/products/new-record-in-bungee-jumping-level-3/

NEWS: White tiger kills a man

Maqsood was killed by a white tiger at New Delhi zoo because he jumping into the enclosure. He was 19 or 20 years old. The white tiger grabbed Maqsood by the neck. The other people shouted at the animal to tray to distract the animal, but wasn't enought.
The father of Maqsood blamed the zoo and the officials of the zoo said they had been waring her soon.
Difficult words:
Enclosure: closed area for the animal (gàbia, tancat)
Grabbed: to arrest; catch (agafar)
Neck: the part of the body that connects the head and the trunk (coll)
My opinion:
This accident is serious for the responsables of the zoo, but if the officials of the zoo has been warned it. This is problem of Maqsood. A young adult is enough mature that what are he doing is very dangerous

NEWS:Spider inside a man’s body

The Australian Dylan Thomas found in her chest a strange red trail. He went to the hospital in Bali. The doctors told that he have an allergic reaction and they recomended some anthistaminics. But later the red trail starts to was a blister.
After this, a doctor take a closer look and discovered that he had an spider inside her body. Finally Dylan underwent a operation and now her health it's good
Difficult words:
Blister: to small bubbles on the skin filled with something like water
Anthistaminics: anti-allergy (antihistamínics)
Underwent o suffer trought; endure or sustain:(sotmetre)
My opnion:
I'm glad that Dylan is finally recovered. But I think that the doctors should be more attention at the first time to avoid problems.

dissabte, 22 de novembre del 2014

My favourite famous

My favourite famous is Keegan Allen. He is an American actor and musician, that has participated in some series like Pretty Little Liars. He is 25 years old. He was born in Hollywood, California the 22th of July in 1989. He is very attractive. I like him because he acts very naturally and good in Pretty Little Liars. In the soap he interprets Spencer’s boyfriend.

 He was nominated in: teen Choice awards in 2011, 2013, 2014 and in the TV Guide awards too. He won in 2013 the teen choice awards. All of the awards and nominations are for the soap : PLL. He have a long filmography  with more series and films but the best of one’s is PLL.

Film review- 21 Black Jack

It’s film directed by Rober Luketic. The film is inspired in a true story of MIT Blackjack team.
The protagonist is Ben Campbell a young student. He needs  $300.000 to pay his college fees for the licence plate in the Harvard Medical School. To get the money Ben joins a group of younger students. The group is led by professor Mickey Rosa. The group is dedicated to getting money. This money they get playing in the casino. But the way they win the money isn’t permitted in the casinos because it’s illegal. Micky Rosa teaches them to count cards and other strategies to win a lot of money. During the film Ben has suffered complications but finally, the film ends well.

I like this film. I think that it’s not the normaly story of the actual films I think it’s an unusual film. The issues are strange but it was very interesting. I recommend the film. The film has a very good moral that makes you reflect. I have seen this film two times and I would see it again.


The christmas

Christmas is the best and the most wonderful time of the year which is during the cold season, winter. I love Christmas holidays because you stay with your family. People usually accommodates in their houses because of the cold weather outside. I think this time of the year you can watch the happiness in people’s faces. Winter is full of magic feelings: there are Christmas, New year, three kings..
My Christmas
I like when Christmas day arrives because I go to Barcelona with all my family. When I walk around in the city I wander the streets with my parents and my sister. The whether in the streets is cold but the feeling is familiar because the streets are crowded. Shops, bars, streets and houses are full of Christmas decorations with colourful lights, Christmas trees, garlands and more. The environment o Christmas is very nice, that’s why I would love to stay Christmas during all year.

What's the best age?

dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2014

Protest song - Viva la vida-COLDPLAY

I used to rule the world                                      ( jo governava el món)
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sweep alone                     (ara pel mati escombro la soletat)
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes                         (sentir la por dels ulls dels meus enemics)
Listen as the crowd would sing                           (escoltava a la gent dir;)
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"    (ara el vell rei ha mort! Llarga vida al rei)
One minute I held the key                                   (per un minut tenia la clau)
Next the walls were closed on me                       (següent les parets estaven tancades a mi)
And I discovered that my castles stand               (vaig descobrir que el meu castell s'aguantava)
Upon pillars of sand, pillars of sand                     ( per pilars de sorra)

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing                         (escolto com sonen les campanes de Jerusalem)
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield                    (sigues el meu mirall la meva espasa i el meu escut)
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can not explain                         (per una raó que no sé explicar)
Once you know there was never, never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world                           (aixi era quan jo governava el món)

It was the wicked and wild wind                         (va ser el vent embruixat i salvatge)
Blew down the doors to let me in.

Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People could not believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries Wait                                           (els revolucionaris esperen)
For my head on a silver plate                               (el meu cap en una safata de plata)
Just a puppet on a lonely string                           (només un titella dirigit per un sol fil)
Oh who would ever want to be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field                   (els meus missioners en un terreny estranger)
For some reason I can not explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name                (se que San Pere dirà el meu nom)
Never an honest word                                      (mai una paraula honesta)
And that was when I ruled the world
(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)

Hear Jerusalem bells are ringings
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can not explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh"
 My opinion of the sing it's I like this song because, when I listen Viva la vida I feel motivate and well. I listen this song when I go to yogging, when I do my homework or when I go for a walk with my pet 
 I think this song are very rebel. It's a man that explains when he rule the world, his tragedys and finally his adventures.
I feel identified and appropiate in the part of the song when he said: One minute I held the key/And I discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of sand, pillars of sand /For some reason I can not explain/Just a puppet on a lonely string, this phrases I think that I have lived and I can realte to my live. This phrases are opportune for discribe a moment that I lived in my expensives experiences.