dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016

Final reflection

In  my first composition off the blog I didn't use the tenses. Also I used a lot of similar expressions and I repeat things that I had write it. Now in my compositions I use a lot of different expressions and synonims, I always search new ways to say something more formal. Now I have more vocabulary and I learn phrasal verbs too. In my opinion I improve my expresion, now I don't have the sames difficulties when I began write.Also I do my essays speak form topics more mature
first composition final composition )
In my first oral presentation in first of batxillerat I was so nervous. Now in my oral presentations I'm very nervous, this is a thing that I can't change in this time. But in my last presentation I had imporved my pronunciation that in first I was do. I have to improve my fluency when I speek because I get stuck. In my opinion I have to practice more my oral expresion to get more fluency in my future presentations. (first oral presentation, last oral presentation)
My bests composition is a disscussion of Internet because I did a good structure of the composition, I used connectors, formal vocabulary, good expressions. I did it in the third term of this course. I writed about the topic with a good expresion. I did a mature composition with an introduction, arguments and conclusion. I did a good reflection of the topic and I contributed with good arguments.
My best oral task was the last oral composition that I did last year in first of batxillerat. I did with a partner and we did it about disability people and things related. This was the best because we did a good structure and we put examples and particular cases. We deeped in the topic but it was very dinamic and clever and also we were very relaxed and this help us to did it better . We got a good mark, the best mark that I get in all my oral presentations.
(best composition, self evaluation (I don't have the video))
In my conclusion I improve my level of english than when I began batxilllerat, but I have to improve it more, never is to much. The english can help me to find work in the future and also it helps me to live .new experiences and new people. I think that I improved my expresion and also I have to improve my oral expression.

Resultat d'imatges de batxillerat

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Katie's story: Sunscreen could have stopped me getting skin cancer

Katie is a young women that has had skin cancer. One summer she went in a travel with her sister, this travel only durates six days, but it was suficient to cause her a skin cancer. She doesn't spend days on the beach and she doesn't use tanning boots. But after her travel she realized that she had a  mole and decided to go to the hospital. The doctors said that she had a skin cancer and she had to operate it. After her operation all goes well and she can do normal life.
We have to protect us of the sun because is very dangerous. People think that protect or no protect doesn't matter, but is not true. The protection is very important for our health because one of most common cancer is skin cancer. This happen because people are not conscious about that. Protect us of the sun it's very simple and we have to do it to prevent have cancer and another skin problems.
-Worshipper: devoto
-Mole: lunar
-Skimped: escatimar
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36226262/katies-story-sunscreen-could-have-stopped-me-getting-skin-cancer
Someone applying sun cream to someone else

Human Rights, China: detained activist, journalist denied needed health care

China are earning an ugly reputation because is preventing acces to adequate medical tratment of their prisioners and aslo some prisioners had suffer tortures from China. We have three diferent case of the illegal behaviour of China. The first case is Guo who was admitted to the prision hospital one year later that he was arrested. He didn't have healthcare tratement before because the prison officers refused and also he complained that his room was in bad conditions. The other case is Gao Yu who has a long history of heart disease: high bloog preasure, a chronic skin allergy and suffers from Ménière's disease. She was only treatedin a hospital the last time that she was in prison.The last one is Tibetan monk Tenzin Delect Rinchope who died in prison. Before his death he was tortured and he was in deterioring health.
In my opinion that is a serious problem and it is necessary to find a solution. China doesn't obey the law. China had doing illegal actions and this is very worrying, we are in XXI century and this is not believable. China acting against the law and also the Human Rights too.
-Ensure: assegurar-se
-Willingness: disposició
-Gathering: reunió

Petition to close Whitby graveyard during the town's bi-annual Goth weekend

Some residents of Whitby did a petiton to close Whitby graveyard during the town's bi-annual Goth weekend. This petition was started by a woman who create change.org page because she saids that the people use the graveyard to take photos with the graves and it is disrespectful for the families and for the church. The Goth weekend is celebrated two times in year, it is a music festival. Who organized the Goth weekend saids that what do the people is not their fault, because what people do is not their responsability.

I agree with the petition of the woman because the graveyard is a place that we must to respect it. What do the people of the festival is a bad behaviour, we have to had empathy with the people who do the complaint. In my opinion the organitzation of the festival have to do something to stop it. 
-Disrespectful: no respectuós
-Promenade: passeig de la costa
-Abbey: abadia
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36211097/petition-to-close-whitby-graveyard-during-the-towns-bi-annual-goth-weekend
Goths in Whitby graveyard

Rylan's on a mission to change late night TV

Rylan Clarke want to changes late night TV. He sais that after 11pm there's nothing really. He wants to change it. He creates a show. This show is aired four nights a week and on Fridays has the "best episode" Do this show brings a lot of work and it's a mix of his favourite shows (Chatty Man, Norton, Celebrity Juice and Saturday Night Take away). This show brings his name, and he controlls that. He affirm that if the show doesn't have succes, he will accept that he have a part of the guilt. He saids that is prepared to recieve criticizes.
Opinion: In my opinion Rylan Clarke had a good idea. Create new shows can be good to innovate. He created this show with excitement and esthusiasm and it is a good thing to the programm because it helps to get a lot of success.
-Aired: transmès
-Reject: rebutjar
-Fairness: legitimitat

Rylan Clarke

The people hoping to land one of the most powerful jobs in the UK

The job of a mayor seems a easy work, but this is not real. The mayor have a lot of
pressure. The last 5 of May London had the elections to choose the new mayor. There was a lot of candidates  (list), but this list have some prominent candidate like:  Zad Goldsmith (Conservative), Sadiq Khan (Labour), Caroline Pidgeon (Liberal democrats), Sian Berry (Green Party) and Petter Whittle (UKIP). All these candidates promising good things to attract more votes. In these promisings there are some common, and that are begin projects to improve all the ambiental sector like protect greenbelt land in the city, do a garden bride that cross the River Thames, and others.
If I have the opportunity to be mayor, I will not accepted because is a very dificult job and in my opinion is necessary to have a good behaviour (be certainly) and free time because the work take up a lot of time and also involves the family.


Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36160732/the-people-hoping-to-land-o
Ballot box

divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Formal letter-Paula and Joana

IES Castelló d'Empúries
17486 Castelló d'Empúries
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20500

Dear Mr. President of the United States, Barack Obama
We are writting to complain about the article number five of the human rights, that explains that no one shall be subjected to torture or to curel, inhuman or deagrading treatment or punishment.

Personally this article is violated in a lot of countries, normally in the developing countries, because these countries people are in poor conditions, and they are more vulnerable to violate this human right. Moreover in these countries is easer to mistreat the women.

We think that it is important to do something for these people and not to prop up these terrible actions. For these reasons we propose to law down laws to stop the violations of the human rights.

Finally, we would like people to be conscious about that and to make possible to put out this information in the magazines or newspaper, because people must realice and make something to improve it and eliminated it.

Yours sincerely,
Paula and Joana.

Teenager sued ove 'Snapchat speed filter car crash' in US state of Georgia

Christal McGee is accused because she was using Snapchat at the same time that she was driving. The intention of that is because she wanted sign a high velocity to show it in Snapchat. She caused an accident. She only had weigh wounds but the man who drives the other car had serious wounds and problems and he can't will do his normal life because he have to go with wheelchair. Snapchat said that these filters are not did to incite the people to use it when they are driving.
The people are not conscient of their acts, because use the mobile-phone during the driving are very dangerous. The girl never will be conscient of the damage that she caused, and an innocent man is paing the unconsciousness of a inmature girl. In my opinion this girl will have to pay during the rest of the life all the costs that caused. We have to put high fine when someone use the mobile at the same time that are driving.
Christal McGee's post on Snapchat and a picture of her car destroyed by the crashVocabulary:
-Sued: denunciar
-Statement: delcaració
-Court: tribunal

The new fashion of the supermarkets: Km0

Nowadays we live in a capitalist system and exists a lot of types of market and types of selling (on-line, at shop...) All the prodcuts that sell the bussiness it comes form all around the world. Recenly appear a new fashion in supermarkets, and that are Km 0.

 This means that all the products sold comes from the same place that are produced it. This is a good way to promote all of the local production. This fashion are having a lot of succes. Some experts said that consume these products is better because is guarantee to quality, to fresh, to ecologic (in food) and also stimulate the economy of this place.
Resultat d'imatges de km 0

Fast food the new fashion

Nowadays the fast food are overwhelm  the tradicional food. This happens because the people have not much time to lunch or dinner and they have to find a solution. This solution is the fast food. A lot of people of our society have the habit of eat fast. With the pass of the time more people have this habit. The business also create places to promote it like McDondalds, Burger king, Pans and Company, Subway, etc. But the question is: This habit can be harmful for our health?
The stadistics show us that there be more and more people who have health problems related with the bad habits of food. More chlidren are exposed to bad diets and bad habits. Today more children suffer illness like diabetes or fatness. This happens because the fast food arrive in the most of cultures and places.
We have to be conscious of that and promote the tradicional and healthy food to prevent more ilness. Our diet is the basis of a happy life without healthy problems

Resultat d'imatges de fast food

Princeton professor's 'CV o failures' goes viral

The failure is not considered a good think. When someones failure in something we hide it. When someone explains your failures we are surprised. But Johannes Haushofer, a profesor of psicology at the University of Princton did the CV of failures. This publication had a lot of exit, and now he is famous. He said that he are more famous thanks to the publication that for his academic work. He put some examples of failures that with the past of the time it had a lot of exit, that are Walt Disney, J K Rowling (the writer of Harry Potter), Claudio Ranieri and Steve Jobs(apple creator).
I agree with Johannes about the point of view of the failure. But in my opinion to succeed we have to failure in the attempts. Because if we don't it, we will not succed. We don't have to hide our failures, we have to be proud of it. Nobody succeed at first time, nobody are perfect to fullfill they objectives, without failures in their first attempt.
-Wise: astut/ savi
-Reject: rebutjar
-Turned down: ser rebutjat (perífrasis verbal)
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36200640/princeton-professors-cv-of-failures-goes-viral
CV graphics

Book review: Bride price

Bride Price explains the story of a girl called Aku-nna that her father died when she was a child. In that moment she and her family had to go with the brother of her father, in a village called Ibuza. In Ibuza Aku-nna fall in love with her school teacher called Chike, who help her to run away from her uncle and all the husbands that want to marry with Aku-nna. Her uncle is an interested person who only loves his wifes and daughters for the Bride Price. During the story she have a lot of problems with the traditions, culturs and the Bride Price too. Finally she had a happy life with Chike and they had a daughter. But after the birth she dies.
Resultat d'imatges de bride price buchi emechetaBirth: part
Kidnap: raptar
Mattress: nòrdic
Slave: esclau
Swell: inflat
Tablet: pastilles
Veranda: porxo