divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Princeton professor's 'CV o failures' goes viral

The failure is not considered a good think. When someones failure in something we hide it. When someone explains your failures we are surprised. But Johannes Haushofer, a profesor of psicology at the University of Princton did the CV of failures. This publication had a lot of exit, and now he is famous. He said that he are more famous thanks to the publication that for his academic work. He put some examples of failures that with the past of the time it had a lot of exit, that are Walt Disney, J K Rowling (the writer of Harry Potter), Claudio Ranieri and Steve Jobs(apple creator).
I agree with Johannes about the point of view of the failure. But in my opinion to succeed we have to failure in the attempts. Because if we don't it, we will not succed. We don't have to hide our failures, we have to be proud of it. Nobody succeed at first time, nobody are perfect to fullfill they objectives, without failures in their first attempt.
-Wise: astut/ savi
-Reject: rebutjar
-Turned down: ser rebutjat (perífrasis verbal)
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36200640/princeton-professors-cv-of-failures-goes-viral
CV graphics

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