divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Book review: Bride price

Bride Price explains the story of a girl called Aku-nna that her father died when she was a child. In that moment she and her family had to go with the brother of her father, in a village called Ibuza. In Ibuza Aku-nna fall in love with her school teacher called Chike, who help her to run away from her uncle and all the husbands that want to marry with Aku-nna. Her uncle is an interested person who only loves his wifes and daughters for the Bride Price. During the story she have a lot of problems with the traditions, culturs and the Bride Price too. Finally she had a happy life with Chike and they had a daughter. But after the birth she dies.
Resultat d'imatges de bride price buchi emechetaBirth: part
Kidnap: raptar
Mattress: nòrdic
Slave: esclau
Swell: inflat
Tablet: pastilles
Veranda: porxo

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