divendres, 21 de març del 2014


This piece of news speak of a study made in USA. This study explains why the percentage of women making films is very low. The womens are not movie stars. The womens are losing the prominence. Read this report you are informate about the cinema of the actuality.
It is a report taht is not normaly, beacuse it speaks of cinema.

Personal opinion:
I think this is new is true. The womens are going to be most important than mens ins the cinema and if this didn't hapened we are going to be the same as we are now.

Cate Blanchett and Lupita Nyong'o


dimarts, 4 de març del 2014

A world Heritage Site

Founded by the Romans as a thermal spa, Bath became an important centre of the wool industry in the Middle Ages. In the 18th century, under George III, it developed into an elegant town with neoclassical Palladian buildings, which blend harmoniously with the Roman baths.

Inscription date in the wtls list:
The date of city bath inscription are ine the 1987
Why do you feel attracted to this place?
I find this place attractive because it have Roman bathrooms and because when you see this place I feel impresed. This place is very interesting to see.

diumenge, 2 de març del 2014


Name of song: Say something
Singer/Band: A great big world and Cristina Aguilera
Year: 2014
Kind of love: this is a unrquited love after a bad relation
Lyrics+love words
Say something
I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one
If you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something
I'm giving up on you
And I, I'm feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl
Say something
I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something
I'm giving up on you
And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye
Say something
I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere I would have followed you
Oh, say something
I'm giving up on you
Say something
I'm giving up on you
Say something
Love worlds: I'm giving up on you, I'm still learning to love

I can talk about the media

I like media because it's a very important thing for everyday's life. The media includes elements such as: TV,  radio, newspaper, magazines and  internet. The most important elements of media are: the TV, the radio and the Internet. Everyone watches TV, listens to the the radio and use the internet. The radio is heard by more adults or middle-aged people, and the Internet is used basically by the young people and some adults. 
What I use more is the Internet because I visit a lot of social networks: facebook,Instagram,twitter,…, but I also use the TV a lot for watching series, films, news, documentaries and more TV programs. This things are good because they allow you to be informated about many things.

I can talk about films

I love films. My favourite films are the romantic and comedy ones. This films are interesting and pretty funny. But I can't stand horror films. I hate this films because are frightening and scary. I like watching the films in the cinema with my friends and my family. My favourite movie actor is Mario Casas, he is a famous spanish actor(he has been on films like "Tengo ganas de ti" or "A tres metros sobre el cielo") and my favourite actress is Julia Roberts(she has been acting on films like "pretty woman" or even "pelican inform"). The director of my favourite film is Richard LaGravense. His film is a romantic comedy and is very nice. My favourite comedy film is Scary Movie 2, this film is very funny, it is a parody of lots of scary films, I encourage you to watch it because I had a great time!

I can talk about music

I would like to join a rock band. I would like this because my dream is to do a tour around the world and be a famous Singer. I would like to spend the days wondering if people are downloading my music or if they have my CD or my posters or even ringtones. I don’t like classical music because it is very slow and boring. I couldn't be a director I would prefer to become a manager. I don’t like the classical music performings I prefer the rock or pop concerts. My favourite singer is Rihanna and my favourite band is Safe and Sound.

I can talk about my free time

In my free time I use top lay instruments, I love them, they drive me enazy. What I love most is playing the guitar, the sound of tis strings makes me feel relaxed and happy. The sons I like top lay are country songs because its rythim makes me feel happier tan I was. I usually play “ I won’t give up” from Jason Mraz. This son gis about not surrending, it’s a song that would make anybody in a difficult situation feeling better. My guitar is an acoustic one because I think they are the ones who make music be pure. Their steel strings are a bit hard at the begining but in the end, it’s better.

I can talk about sport

My favourite sport is volleyball. Volleyball is an indor sport that is normaly played in a court. For playing volleyball is necessary to have a soft ball, a net and knee protectors. For playing volleyball inoor the team needs six players who are distributed like this:

Three in front and three behnind. The people behind has to defend tha balls that come from the opponent, and the three people in front are the responsable of the attacking task.

The voleyball scoring system is controled by points: twenty-five points are a set and you need three sets to win. In a match you can play five sets as máximum. Volleyball consists in making the ball ge tinto the floor of the opponent team. Like this you score a point.