dijous, 14 d’abril del 2016

Human Rights

The human rights are the rights you have simply because you're a human. There are 30 human rights and there are invented in Paris the 10th of December in 1945-8 for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
I don't know about the Article 9 of Human Rights, that say that no unfair deteinment. The Article 9 say: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile".
There are three countries that the Human Rights are violated. These countries are Mexico, Pakistan and Colombia too. In these three places the human rights are viloated, but in some of that are more extremely than others. One example of that are Colombia, the situation of it is very deteriorate and is is beging to be the most serious in the continent and one of the most grave in the world. In 1998 there were 1,580 violations of human rights and the most people who violated it was vulnerable people.
At the same time that a lot of countries violated some Human rights, there are a lot of countries in the wolrd that take care and respect the Human rights. An example of that are Europe, the developed Europe (United Kindom, Germany, France, etc) try to respect it.
Resultat d'imatges de article 9 of human rightsVocabulary
-Unfair: injust
-Unlawful: il·legal

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