diumenge, 17 de novembre del 2013


My favourite hobbie is playing volleyball in CVPP (Club Volleyball Sant Pere Pescador).
I play there for four years, and I won't leave it ever.
My team is composed with Silvia, Claudia, Elvira, Laia, Anna, Nora, Timeea, Mireia(my coach) and me.
This photo was taken when we won a match.

I train two days a week, on Wednesday and Friday afternoons and I play the league in la "Federació Catalana de Voleibol Femení - Lliga preferent Juvenil"
I prefer playing match than training during the week.
There's a lot of people that think that volleyball doesn't get you tired, but I can say that this isn't true. It's true that you get more tired playing football or basketball, but this doesn't mean that you don't get tired in volleyball.
Volleyball is a team sport, if you work alone you will lose. You need compenetration with your team.

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