Katie is a young women that has had skin cancer. One summer she went in a travel with her sister, this travel only durates six days, but it was suficient to cause her a skin cancer. She doesn't spend days on the beach and she doesn't use tanning boots. But after her travel she realized that she had a mole and decided to go to the hospital. The doctors said that she had a skin cancer and she had to operate it. After her operation all goes well and she can do normal life.
We have to protect us of the sun because is very dangerous. People think that protect or no protect doesn't matter, but is not true. The protection is very important for our health because one of most common cancer is skin cancer. This happen because people are not conscious about that. Protect us of the sun it's very simple and we have to do it to prevent have cancer and another skin problems.
-Worshipper: devoto
-Mole: lunar
-Skimped: escatimar
Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36226262/katies-story-sunscreen-could-have-stopped-me-getting-skin-cancer

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