dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016

Final reflection

In  my first composition off the blog I didn't use the tenses. Also I used a lot of similar expressions and I repeat things that I had write it. Now in my compositions I use a lot of different expressions and synonims, I always search new ways to say something more formal. Now I have more vocabulary and I learn phrasal verbs too. In my opinion I improve my expresion, now I don't have the sames difficulties when I began write.Also I do my essays speak form topics more mature
first composition final composition )
In my first oral presentation in first of batxillerat I was so nervous. Now in my oral presentations I'm very nervous, this is a thing that I can't change in this time. But in my last presentation I had imporved my pronunciation that in first I was do. I have to improve my fluency when I speek because I get stuck. In my opinion I have to practice more my oral expresion to get more fluency in my future presentations. (first oral presentation, last oral presentation)
My bests composition is a disscussion of Internet because I did a good structure of the composition, I used connectors, formal vocabulary, good expressions. I did it in the third term of this course. I writed about the topic with a good expresion. I did a mature composition with an introduction, arguments and conclusion. I did a good reflection of the topic and I contributed with good arguments.
My best oral task was the last oral composition that I did last year in first of batxillerat. I did with a partner and we did it about disability people and things related. This was the best because we did a good structure and we put examples and particular cases. We deeped in the topic but it was very dinamic and clever and also we were very relaxed and this help us to did it better . We got a good mark, the best mark that I get in all my oral presentations.
(best composition, self evaluation (I don't have the video))
In my conclusion I improve my level of english than when I began batxilllerat, but I have to improve it more, never is to much. The english can help me to find work in the future and also it helps me to live .new experiences and new people. I think that I improved my expresion and also I have to improve my oral expression.

Resultat d'imatges de batxillerat

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