dimarts, 22 d’octubre del 2013

Animal in me

Genus and species:
Mustela nivalis
Collective Term:
A sneak of weasel
Careers and Hobbies 

Fine clothes
Adventure films
I agree with the jobs in general, because in the future I would like to have one of this careers.But I don't like the politician job its very difficult and tired

I like the hobbies,because I think so defined

Their behavior is motivated by the fact that they are one of the world's smallest carnivores, and while lions and wolves may be able to afford a direct approach in acquiring resources the smaller personality of the weasel requires more devious tactics. Its survival strategy is based on the manipulation of others and it uses charm as its chief weapon.
Their quick minds are able to take advantage of rapidly changing situations and they'll always emerge with more than their fair share of the booty.
Weasels have an uncanny knack of sensing weakness in others and they'll often team up with more successful animal personalities, gaining their trust and then milking them for all they're worth. 
Weasels love to be the center of attention and often toy with the idea of becoming professional entertainers. However, their love for the craft is secondary to their love for themselves, so they will probably never make it to the top as performers.

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