dijous, 14 de gener del 2016

Doctors weigh in on dangers of Wi-Fi signal exposure

Link: http://www.fox5vegas.com/story/23465182/doctors-weigh-on-the-dangers-of-wi-fi-signal-exposure
The companies of cell phones and media products said that their products are safe to use. But the doctors don't have the same opinion. The doctors explain that use these devices can increase the possiblities of have very serious health problems. Cell phones are more dangerous in children and can cause intertility in women, also contribute to memory loss.
They suggested to disconnected the Wi-Fi to reduce the readiation at night and also advice that use other systems like bluetooth.
I have cell-phone and use Wi-Fi but I agree with the doctors . In my opinion we are not conscious of the risks of use these technologies. The companies of all the products of media don't take responsability of the consequences of their products, they only worry to seld the products and raise money.
Difficult words:
-Otherwise: d'altra manera
-Devices: aparell
-Exposure: exposició
-Hazards: perills
-Point out: mostrar

Resultat d'imatges de tecnologias