dimecres, 19 de febrer del 2014


P. S. I love you
Is a 2007 American dirama film directed by Richard LaGravenese
The main charcters are...
Hilary Swank-Holly Kenned
Gerard Butler-Gerry Kennedy
Kathy Bates- Patricia Reilly, Holly's mother
Film review
This film is set in New York and Ireland. It's a story about a couple in love, Holly and Gerry.
Gerry dies suddenly of a brain tumor and Holly realizes how much it means to her. She discovers has left 10 messages intended to help ease her pain and start a new life. Finally she overcomes her death and is very happy
Personal opinion:
This film is very romantic. I like it because it is a very inspiring film

Love quotation


I like this love quotation because it is sweet and very romantic. When I read this love quotation I am inspirated. I like it.


This poem is very beautiful because it is very romantic


This year 2014
My resolutions for the new year 2014 are:
-This year I want to be a better person because I think that I am so lazy
-This year I will study more to get better marks
-In the rest of the course I don't failed any exam and I want to pass the ESO with great marks
-This year I would like to win the league of Volleyball with my team

dimarts, 11 de febrer del 2014

What do you think about Shakespeare?

-Have you seen any of his plays? 
No, I didn't see any of his plays. I don't like go to the theaters
-Have you seen any movies based on Shakespeare’s plays? 
Yes, I have seen Romeo and Juliet
-Which play would like to see the most and why? 
Yes, Juli Cèsar. Because is very interesting